SAPPO members welcome the changes set out in the common European commitment on carbon neutrality. Today´s high standards that are part of the production, distribution and sale of petroleum products should remain the norm in the new low-emission and zero-emission mobility. In this regard, SAPPO aims to support the conditions for the development of responsible, transparent and sustainable activities of producers and sellers of sustainable fuels and lubricants.
Our member companies supply a significant amount of energy to the Slovak market, so our goal and the biggest challenge at the same time is to ensure that this supplied energy is sustainable, low-emission and to transform our industry into sustainable and low-carbon production with a clear goal – to ensure environmental and climate protection. As part of the dialogue between SAPPO member companies and state institutions, we are working together on a responsible and sustainable approach to meet Europe’s climate goals, which are reflected in a key EU document – the European Green Deal.
The path to low-emission and zero-emission mobility is only possible through a transformation process based on the development of modern technologies and innovation.
The joint effort of all SAPPO members is to provide energy to everyone who needs it on their travels. SAPPO member companies perceive their common role – to come up with solutions that will contribute to the European Union’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Most members have therefore set out a plan to reduce emissions and to become carbon neutral by 2050. The companies associated in SAPPO are those which, with their experience, size and global reach, can show the direction that mobility and energy resources will take in the coming decades.